Monday, April 11, 2011

Yukon Brewing Company – Lead Dog Ale

Starting off with a Stoli...Yup. Fuck you.




Ok now we're good to go.

Colour: Dark, Black. Looks purple when held to the light.

Head: Light brown. Tan head. It's hard to get though, that photo above is the result of a pretty aggressive pour

Nose: Hops, Black licorice, hops.

Taste: Thick and luxcurious. Molases, licorice, hops. There's a malty creaminess not unlike that of Granville Isle's beers. After you swallow the hops engulfs your mouth, leaving a bitter on the end.

After: If you can wait without sipping again right away, there is a lingering hops.

Yukon – Masters of the aftertaste.

Wanna hear something interesting? A sixer of this is 20 cents more than a sixer of Bud. That's kind of a big deal cause Bud tastes terrible and now it's not even cheap. So why are you drinking it? Right, cause this is too much for you...

...Fuck... I hate you so hard right now...

Anyways, on with the review!

Jake – 8/10 – Gonzo-esque. Just dope man.

Two Shoes – 8/10 – Yup, this is great stuff

Rolland – 9/10 – Not so strong...well... it's there, and it's very smooth.

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