Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tree Brewing Company – Hop Head Double IPA

Ok, here we go. We're not going to lie, we've had this before, we know what score it's going to get..

Let's get the basics down here first though...

This is what awesome looks like.

8.3% (Woot!!)

Colour: Copper. Foggy. Foggy is good, this seems to be key to a stellar IPA. Pay attention people, this is some science shit going on here.

Nose: 'Yup...Wow...I want this inside me' That's what your gonna think. It smells like hops obviously, but there's so much more going on here. It's a near perfect blend of hoppy goodnes, that really demands on the first sniff that you sip. This is a good thing.

Taste: So it goes like this. You sip, and you are treated to a creamy hops all the way from the front of your tongue to the back. An awesome hop flavour with no citrus notes at all until the swallow, where there is a crisp finish.

The trick here seems to be the creaminess. This is a sort of darker IPA, and we think there are some creamy malts going on here that are working as a delivery agent for the hops. There's no blast to the mouth, no bitter beer face, but there is a fuckton of flavour here. While it's not a kick to the head, it's not, not a kick to the head either.

The nose of this one, while amazingly hoppy, is not even close to the flavour, which is amazingly hoppy. Not making sense?? GO TRY ONE!!! You'll know what we mean then, but go quickly, cause this is a limited edition and it's going fast.

By going fast I mean there are maybe ten of us in this town buying it up. That might not sound like you should rush at all, but I'm telling you, shut your god damn face and get yourself one before we drink it all and laugh at your sadness when you can't find any. Which we will do...we're kind of assholes...

Two Shoes – 10/10 – One of those beers your upset about running out of

Jake – 10/10 – Touche, Tree Brewing...Touche

As a teaser for you guys, there is another 10/10 IPA review coming...and then we make them fight each other in little cups like you used to do with spiders... cause you're such a terrible person...

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