Sunday, April 17, 2011

Okanagan Springs – 1516 Bavarian Lager

Please keep in mind we're not that big on lagers.

Here it is overlooking some...What is going on here?? Fucking Google...see, this is why we take our own photo's. Is that fucking baseball those people are playing?? Why else is the stadium empty??

Scent – Lager – A sweet lager scent. Nothing new. You don't jump out of your shoes and scream about it.

OK Springs is gung-ho on simplicity really...

K, so there's not a lit of witty shit to say here. It's a great clean lager. No bells and whistles, just good beer.

This is what we drink at the pub...ok this is what we drink when we've already drank all their Guinness. It tastes a lot different on tap than out of the bottle, but it's still one of the best beers on tap...Mind you it's not competing with much...

Two Shoe's – 6/10 – It's good. Solid 6 for being ok on tap.

Jake – 5.5/10 – It's good...but it's a lager

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