Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Granville Island Brewing – Gastown Amber Ale


Not to sound bias or anything, but Granville pretty much rocks.

Scent – Not that fond of it. Not hops, not malts...
          Bottle – Sour malt...not that pleasant
          Glass – Sour increases, malt mellows out

Colour – It's called Gastowm Amber Ale... figure it out.

Taste – Little bit of hops, kind of feels like a wheat beer, but sweeter. Not a bad thing at all. It's a hard flavour to pinpoint in words...The malts comes at the beginning, not the end, which is kind of nice.

Strange thing...it reminds me of blueberries. Not like awesome pie or anything, I mean...it's beer, which is awesome, like pie, but the blueberry thing I'm trying to get across here is that this reminds me of those 'fresh wild blueberries' that you really shouldn't be eating cause they grow beside the highway...

Ya ok...I'm done sharing now...let's get back to this review thing shall we?

After – Not much. In and out. Nice, and then it's done.

Chug factor – Carbonation is high, you get less flavour if you chug, just that burnt bubbly thing that happens when you chug things like this.

Jake – 9/10 – I love Granville Beer

Two Shoe's – 8/10 – Good. Close to very good. I'd drink this all night for sure

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