Thursday, April 14, 2011

Phillips Brewing Company – Phillips Skookum Cascadian Brown Ale

Cool label, not too pricey. Off to a good start.

Nose: Nutty Hops. Nuts are rad, hops are super dope. This is a cool smell.

The Pour: So we don't get a cascade like a Guinness, but we get a thick and creamy looking beer. Huge fucking head that lasts forever too.

Taste: Hmm...Like a nut brown...sort of. In your mouth, not so much flavour. Something like...I dunno...earthy?? Nutskin?? (not like that you creep) Sounds a little disappointing, but sometimes a great beer keeps the major flavour for an aftertaste.

After: The flavour is here, this is one of those beers :) Dry hops rolls down the back of your tongue. It's strong, but not unpleasant. Provided you like hops of course (You must be catching on to a bit of trend here by now hey?

So we tried something different here. We think this might be good warm, so we went for a smoke and left this sitting on the table.

Warm: The flavour hits your tongue pre-swallow, an earthy nutty flavour that bubbles away and leads to the finish early...almost perfectly.

Warm After: Sort of a sour bitter that fades to a hoppy finish. The final bubbles provide this coca-cola teaser before the hops.

All around pretty damn good. Not nearly as heavy as expected for a thick creamy beer.

6.5% doesn't hurt either.

Jake – 8/10 – Nothing new, but well done at what it does

Two Shoes – 7.5/10 – Hoppy Malt = Happy Malt...I don't know, this was funnier at the time...maybe you had to be there??

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