Monday, April 25, 2011

Yukon Brewering Company – Ice Fog IPA

Maybe this is a good time to come clean here. We love hops. Like fucking love it.

Pictured: Not a lot of hops

Nose: Not that stellar. Basically a lager with a bit of bitter hops

Colour of straw. Pretty nice I guess.

Flavour: Fairly straight forward. A citrus flows into bitter and finishes with a very mild dry hop. There's something unique here, but it's hard to place. Guess you'll have to go try one hey?

Two Shoes – 7/10 – On the IPA scale this is weak, but as a general cup of beer it comes off as good

Jake – 6/10 – Great beer but I had expectations for a good hop and was let down. Still a great beer though

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