Sunday, April 17, 2011

Okanagan Springs – Brewmaster's Black Lager

Well, where to start?? The pour I guess hey?? Sounds good.


Head. Creamy off white. The pic looks white, but that's cause the liquid is fucking black. Makes a nice contrast hey?

Held to the light, it's a dark purple. Light barely gets through it for you to see that though, and why are you holding to the light like that?? You gonna take some pic's of it too?

Nose: Not a whole not more than a normal lager.

Flavour: In the mouth it's a little underwhelming. Lots of bubbles on your tongue, and that's about it until you swallow (this is cold of course, warm it up and you get some of the swallow flavour early).

Swallow and finish: Here's where this beer comes alive. You get hit with a very good blend of malt and hops, your teased with the finish, but first a shot of creamy goodness, then the finish arrives. And what is this finish?? Mocha. Motherfucking Mocha.

Jake – 9/10 – Fucking Eh! I'm not sure why it's not a 10, but fuck, 10 seems high

Two Shoe's – 9/10 – This is wicked, try it.

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