Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Red Racer – Pumpkin Ale

Yes, Pumkin Beer...Fantastic Pumpkin Beer.

Nose: Hmmm...This is fun!

Taste: It's like a pumpkin pie in your beer. The crust, the whip cream, all of it. A full slice of pumpkin pie, stuck right up inside your beer.

Drink this one slow, your mouth needs a moment to experience all this flavour.

We had a bit of an argument here...Is this something you want to give someone who hasn't really tried many different beers?? Or is this too much. So we ended up doing more science to it, and actually have a little table drawn up in this tattered notebook that goes something like this.

Strong Flavour Vs. Known Flavour

Strong Flavour – This is a strongly flavourful beer. We're not gonna lie to you, one of these is plenty. If you casually sip it expecting a standard boring fucking lager, your going to be shocked, and maybe turned right off getting a mouth full of pumpkin pie spice

Known Flavour – This beer tastes strongly of pie. Pumpkin pie. If you don't like pumpkin pie, jsut stop reading now, there's nothing here for you. If you do, you might be pleasantly surprised by this.

So in the end it's a judgement call and not really science at all.

Jake – 8/10 – Only shortcoming is that one is enough

Gary – 8/10 – Spectacular

Two Shoes – 8.5/10 – Hurrah!!

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