Sunday, May 15, 2011

Phillips Brewing Company – Hop Circle IPA

Another your not used to this by now hey??

Anything with Hops in it seems to get a bunch of pictures taken of it...

Nose: Oh ya, this is starting good.

Colour: Not very dark, very clear

Taste: Very very

This is a hoppy beer with no bells or whistles. No citrus, no nothing. Just straight up hops.

Not a lot to say. Hoppy, flavourful (the flavour is hops) it's a little skunky, but if you like hops (and you know we do) you'll dig this.

Jake – 7.5/10 – Bottom line, this is a beer with hops

Two Shoes – 8/10 – This is rad, hops and gnar. No fucking around.

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