Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Phillips Brewing Company – Dr. Funk Dunkel

Not sure what kind of Dr. is on the bottle, but he does look like he has some drugs to sell..or sex...

Colour: Ruby Red when held to the light.

Nose: Sour malty. Light on the sour. Dark spice hints teasing you too.

Flavour: Crisp and smooth, with a creamy feel in your mouth. There's a sweetness to the malts that is consistent throughout the whole glass.

Finish: Mild hops. Really smooth transition form the creamy malts to the hops.

A pretty damn filling beer. It's not a thick beer, but it feels gooey in your belly. We tried chugging it, cause we do that from time to time, and this pretty much jsut punches down into your belly and makes you feel stupid, cause there was no additional flavour.

It sounds weird, but we were calling this the Adult Coco-Cola by the end.

Jake – 8/10 – My first Dunkel!!

Two Shoes – 7.5/10 – Very good, a little filling, but an excellent sipping beer.

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