Thursday, March 31, 2011

Warthog – Big Rock Brewery

Nose – Very similar to traditional, but we finally have some body here!!

Taste – Again, similar to traditional, but more hops. Mellow though, Big Rock seemsto have a thing for mellow hops. This isn’t a bad thing at all.

After taste – A more intense, (and shorter duration) of the Traditional Ale’s hop finish. You’re left with more hops on your mouth, and the tease of sweet is still there, but much less.

It’s sort of a caramel transitioning to hops, without ever hitting sweet. A creamyness presents itself that is kind of interesting.

Jake – 6/10 – Good, but far to similar to the Traditional Ale

Two Shoe’s 7/10 - Crank Traditional’s hops up one notch, and you get Warthog.

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