Thursday, March 31, 2011

Gopher Lager – Big Rock Brewery

A little stage setting is needed here. Mr. Jake…well Mr. Jake hates lagers. To quote him ‘Lagers blow, so boring and plain. Sucky, like your b-ball skillz” so just to let everyone know, this review will be skewed a little bit.

Colour: Very pale, almost a straw colour.

Nose: Not a whole lot…kind of smells like beer I guess…

Taste: Throughout most of your mouth it lacks much of anything…it’s the back of your toungue that gets the brunt of the flavor, and that’s just a slight bitter hop.

Now don’t get us wrong, that’s kind of cool. You can really chug the shit out of these if you want, and end up with a bit more intenst hop, which if you know us, you know we like hops.

It may sound funny, but we’re going to give this a good score.

Two Shoes – 7/10 ‘…better than grasshopper’

Jake – 7.5/10 ‘I hate lagers and this was good…like your Mom’

A very plain, pure, clean and straight forward beer. Not a whole lot of complexity, but all in a good way. Makes Mr. Jake think twice about lager segregation.

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