Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Adventure Continues

The second beer we crack is Flying Dog's 'Gonzo Imperial Porter'

The reason we said the Punk IPA wasn't that expensive, well that's because we bought this stuff too. Thsi is a pricey little box...but for those of you who are into math and whatnot, this is a 9.2% beer, so if all your looking for is mashed value, than maybe you can crunch some numbers to justify buying this.

Us, we think it tastes amazing and don't really need to justify buying it, we just do, cause it's rad.

Let me set the stage for you. Two guys wander into my sisters place with a a notebook in hand, and a bunch of 'strange' beers. We crack one each and pour it into a glass. We marvel at it's blackness. We hold it to the light and proclaim that nothing can penetrate it's inky depths. Even the head on it is a mocha colour.

We start smelling and sipping, argue over whether the dark chocolate mocha is more powerful than the black liquorice and molasses flavours. We notice we are being mocked and offer some to my non beer drinking sister.

She fucking loves it too.

Now we have three us fawning over this beer, we're reading the labels on the bottles, how this beer is inspired by the life and times of Hunter S. Thompson, which explains the fucked up label quite well actually...

Before you know it, we are finished and have to move on...

Our verdict. Fucking rad. Strong flavours again my scare the pansy Coors drinkers, but come on...they drink Coors...

Next we break into the Whistler Brewing Companies 'Summer Mountain Mixer' ...in the winter...ya, it was a leftover or something...shut up, we just bought some pretty pricey shit and needed to balance things out...and we needed more beers...

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