Monday, January 3, 2011

The Adventure Begins

Dearest internet,

Hi, how are you?? Did you have a good holiday?? What's that?? Your a cold unfeeling collection of opinions?? You cannot base a judgement without consulting your comment sections??

Well ok...fuck you then.

Hello. We are the Beer Nerds. We are nerds who like beer. You can tell we are nerds as we are on the internet. See how that works out?? Pretty neat and tidy package hey??

So, in the interest of not being boring, we are going to review beers in a way maybe you haven't seen before. Maybe you have, maybe you actually go out and drink with your friends. If so, why are you here?? ...whatever...thanks for boositng our numbers. One day we will be internet famous cause of you :D

Basically, here's the schtick. (I have no idea if that's how you spell what I'm trying to say...that noise people make in TV New York is what I'm after here) We drink, and carry around a note pad. We use a note pad as we cannot afford midgets (yet) and they're pretty easy to get a hold of.

We start the night with an IPA from Brew Dog. A punk IPA. Since we are both sort of punk rock (as in old enough to remember the eighties and hate them) This one gets bonus points for sounding cool.

A little note about IPA's. They are SUPPOSED to be beers that taste like fucking hops!! See, back in the day, when boats were slow as fuck and yet the easiest way to travel, England went and occupied India. For like a long god damn time. So long in fact that they began to miss the beers of home (Irish beers) So they started to ship them down to India. The boats, being powered by wind and/or slaves at the time, were slow as fuck, and the beer kept going bad before it got there...or so the sailors said...and somebody somewhere seemed to figure out that if you added a fuckton of hops to it, it lasted a fucklong longer. So they did, and it did, and they got good and drunk and stayed in India for way to long.

Poor India...

Anyway, back to our Punk IPA.

Not the cheapest beer, but not that pricey either. Popping the cap releases a hint of sourness in it's hopy aroma, which is not really all that flattering...but we poured it into glasses anyway cause colour was next on our list of observations

Which turned out to be totally worth the pour. Not only does the scent not really bother you at all, but the colour is an interesting straw shade of gold. Yes, I know, who gives a fuck...but there is a reason we are talking about's foggy...or misty...I wouldn't say it's cloudy, cloudy is a term for wheat beers that means there is shit floating around in it...this is a very fine mist of something we can only assume is tastiness.

Leading into the actual taste of this tastiness, we do in fact find an IPA. A very dry hops. Something cool going on here is that a lot of IPA's (at least in our experience) have a citrus hint in the flavour, which the Punk IPA totally lacks. This is pure motherfucking hops. All the way into the aftertaste, which lasts long and hard on the back of your tongue.

Basically, this is the start of the night, where we are still feeling cool about different beers, and we're laying a verdict down for this one that says Bud drinkers, fuck off, this is too much for your delicate little mouths. Everyone else should try this.

Even this dinosaur knows better than to drink tasteless beer

At this point in he night we head to my sisters place to watch the UFC. So tune in tomorrow see what we think of the 'Gonzo Imperial Porter' Which we enjoy next in our little adventure of tastiniess.

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