Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Old Speckled Hen - English Fine Ale

“A distinctive rich malty taste, bursting with character, fruity aroma & deliciously smooth”

A pretty strong boast for a label. How's it stand up??

malty taste...yep, starts with a nice malt

Fruity aroma...Check

Smooth...yes very

Also, a bit of a bitter undertone

And wait, what's this, a nice dry hop too!

This is pretty damn good.

So, what we have here is a creamy beer, even when the head is gone. You've got fruit gently tickling at your tongue as you swallow, and are left with a dry hoppish finish

For something that's under $10 for 4 tall cans (in the air) this is pretty stellar.

Even Burpie,, who hates canned beers is ok with drinking this.

Jake – 8/10 – gets a high score for it's 'Value' (the under $10 thing)

Two Shoes – 8/10 – Does not taste like an old speckled hen...well ok maybe it does I have no idea what an old speckled hen tastes like.

Burpie – 7/10 – Pretty much undrinkable when it gets warm...but it's drinkable enough while cold you should finish it before it gets nasty..

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