Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Driftwood Brewery – Farm Hand Saison

It says ale, but it's a saison style, which means way more fucking flavour than an ale

Colour: Gold, clear, clean.

Nose: Dried fruit and yeast. Figs

Flavour: Wow...Complicated...good!

Flavour is close to the nose. Dried fruit, a slight pepper and malty aftertaste. The fruit lingers but does not last, the malt carries from the middle of your tongue all the way to the aftertaste. The front of your tongue is treated to a strong complex flavour, hits the middle and opens up full on the back.

Aftertaste: Wicked Bad.

Chug factor: Yes, very chuggable, but the flavours are lost, they need a moment to settle into your tongue, so chugging is a bit of a waste here.

Jake 8/10

Two Shoes 8/10

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