Thursday, March 31, 2011

Big Rock Brewery Craft Pack Overall

A nice balance of flavours, from light to heavy. Gives you a nice broad look at what craft beers are sort of like.

Good price, not too expensive.

Big Rock takes a few liberties with there classifications…but we’ll forgive them that, we’ve seen worse.

We had trouble getting any head on these beers. Even a violent pour left you with a little skim that would bubble off in no time. Some folks like head, some don’t…so we’ll just point this out and leave it as is.

Two Shoe’s - 8/10 – The summer pack had a lime beer in it, this pack did not.
They deserve an extra point for taking that trash out of here.

Jake – 8/10 – No fantastic stuff happening, no terrible things either.

Overall, this could be a good intro into Craft beers. We’re talking about getting your lame ass friends who are brand whores to try something new, this might be it. If you already have friends who like beer, then it might be worth a shot, something you might not have tried.

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