Thursday, March 31, 2011

Big Rock Brewery Craft Pack Overall

A nice balance of flavours, from light to heavy. Gives you a nice broad look at what craft beers are sort of like.

Good price, not too expensive.

Big Rock takes a few liberties with there classifications…but we’ll forgive them that, we’ve seen worse.

We had trouble getting any head on these beers. Even a violent pour left you with a little skim that would bubble off in no time. Some folks like head, some don’t…so we’ll just point this out and leave it as is.

Two Shoe’s - 8/10 – The summer pack had a lime beer in it, this pack did not.
They deserve an extra point for taking that trash out of here.

Jake – 8/10 – No fantastic stuff happening, no terrible things either.

Overall, this could be a good intro into Craft beers. We’re talking about getting your lame ass friends who are brand whores to try something new, this might be it. If you already have friends who like beer, then it might be worth a shot, something you might not have tried.

Warthog – Big Rock Brewery

Nose – Very similar to traditional, but we finally have some body here!!

Taste – Again, similar to traditional, but more hops. Mellow though, Big Rock seemsto have a thing for mellow hops. This isn’t a bad thing at all.

After taste – A more intense, (and shorter duration) of the Traditional Ale’s hop finish. You’re left with more hops on your mouth, and the tease of sweet is still there, but much less.

It’s sort of a caramel transitioning to hops, without ever hitting sweet. A creamyness presents itself that is kind of interesting.

Jake – 6/10 – Good, but far to similar to the Traditional Ale

Two Shoe’s 7/10 - Crank Traditional’s hops up one notch, and you get Warthog.

Traditional Ale – Big Rock Brewery

Appearance – Another very clean and clear looking beer from Big Rock.

Nose – Mild hop with a hint of sweet. A tad strong, but not unpleasant.

Taste – This has a creamy feel in your mouth with a subtle tease of sweetness. Finishes with a mild hop. All of the flavors tease at the back of your tongue.

“The nose sets you up and the taste delivers”

Chuggability – Very good. The hops are more prominent after a good couple of swallows.

Again your mouth is left with a dryness, with the last two this wasn’t a big deal, you just drink some more. Works out quite well actually…unless you’re drinking Grasshopper…

Two Shoe’s – 8/10 - Best one out of the craft pack so far…only one left

Jake – 7/10 – Don’t know what to say, but it’s good

Gopher Lager – Big Rock Brewery

A little stage setting is needed here. Mr. Jake…well Mr. Jake hates lagers. To quote him ‘Lagers blow, so boring and plain. Sucky, like your b-ball skillz” so just to let everyone know, this review will be skewed a little bit.

Colour: Very pale, almost a straw colour.

Nose: Not a whole lot…kind of smells like beer I guess…

Taste: Throughout most of your mouth it lacks much of anything…it’s the back of your toungue that gets the brunt of the flavor, and that’s just a slight bitter hop.

Now don’t get us wrong, that’s kind of cool. You can really chug the shit out of these if you want, and end up with a bit more intenst hop, which if you know us, you know we like hops.

It may sound funny, but we’re going to give this a good score.

Two Shoes – 7/10 ‘…better than grasshopper’

Jake – 7.5/10 ‘I hate lagers and this was good…like your Mom’

A very plain, pure, clean and straight forward beer. Not a whole lot of complexity, but all in a good way. Makes Mr. Jake think twice about lager segregation.