Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The First Aventure Draws to a Close

Next up we break into our 'Whistler Summer Mountain Mixer' which really should have been a warning sign...

First out of the box (an an attractive sturdy box it is) is the 'Altitude Honey Lager'

The label tells us this is brewed with natural honey. I don;t know if any of you care, but that's pretty cool.

Taste wise it's pretty damn good. You have a mellow hop, with a sweet lingering (natural) honey finish. The aftertaste is an extension of the lingering part, so it's pretty good too.

Chugability is very high, these beers did not last long.

We were a little devided on how to score this one. We haven't decided really on how to do this, and to be honest at this point in the night we were getting pleasantly shitfaced (see the Gonzo review for a hint as to why) We basically started up an 'Out of Ten' scale.

Scores for the Altitude Honey Lager

Jake – 8/10
Two Shoes – 7/10

What we do agree on is that this is very smooth and easy to get along with. A full flavour beer that won't scare you...



You piss-ant Bud drinkers

Oh look!!! What a cute purse!!

Second out of the pack is a Whistler Brewing Company 'Premium Export Lager'

A 'purdy' coloured beer that is very very clear. Flavours of yeast and toffee, with a caramel sweetness to it. Afterwards you are treated to a mellow sweet that transforms to a mellow bitter. There is a citrus note as well, not a direct one, more like that hint of citrus you get when you squeeze a lemon on a salad...if that makes sense...Another very smooth beer all around.

And yes, the reviews are getting shorter...this 'Adventure' series of posts took place in one night, and we were getting pretty drunk by this point. So the notebook started to fill up with doodles of cocks and I think there might have been a sketch of a teddy bear having sex with a beer bottle...I wonder where that went...

So anyway, we're on to the final beer of the night, and we totally saved the best for last!

And by best I mean the fucking loser beer of the night. Fuck this one actually made us sit up and wonder what time it was, if it was time to leave yet or not. Turned out it was only this beer pretty much sapped our will to drink...

...Not a good start Whistler Classic Pale Ale...not a good start at all...

One of us describes the nose of this beer as a sweet-sour smell. The other says it smells like feet.

Flavour wise it's a dry hop bitter with a light aftertaste.

Drinking from the bottle might be a better choice, as you can avoid a nose full of feet.

Jake gives it a 5/10 - “Nothing Wrong, Nothing Right...Nothing at all...”

Two Shoes Gives it a 4/10 - “Ewww...It smells like feet” “Chug it then” “Ewww...ok...”

We agree, nothing exceptional here. A very plain beer. The loser of the summer mixer, and not worth the price of a 6 pack.

Tune in soon for the continued adventures of drunken twits...I mean The Beer Nerds...whatever, most of you are probably reading this cause we shoved it onto your computers, so you know what I mean.

You're welcome to bring us your favourite beer too, we'll drink it and not call you in the morning. Unless it's good. Then we might try to make out with you.

Just sayin'...

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