Sunday, February 27, 2011

Grasshopper - Big Rock Brewery

Hey, so we here at The Beer Nerds are actually pretty big fans of wheat beers, despite the hop fests we tend to take part in all the time.

Look: This is a very clear beer, no floaties what’s so ever. So this must be a filtered beer…which is ok…but it seems like it may effect the flavor to take out the floaties,cause…

Flavour: Ummm…a little bit…yes there is a little bit of flavor here…

It’s a very slight wheaty, with an even more slight citrus hint. Orange rind is what we’re thinking. We have to be thinking it though, cause you really don’t taste much…

Chuggability is very high, if that matters to you.

Aftertaste:…if that’s what you want to call it, is slime to none… really it only leaves your mouth dry.

Overall, most wheat beers we’ve had have a fuller body and more flavor to them. If you want to compare this to a white beer or a hefe, than Grasshopper is definitely on it’s own.

Touted as a non-commercial ‘small batch craft beer’ but in reality it’s not far off from the norms.

“Good for a sunny day, if it’s ice cold” (said in the winter, so no actual basis in fact or experience)

Two Shoes - 6/10

Jake – 6/10

Alberta Genuine Draft

“It’s cheap and I didn’t throw up after one and it’s cheap”

That’s about all we want to say about this…